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Maximiliano Emanuel Korstanje AbacaOffline


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    Líneas de Investigación

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    Proyectos de investigación

    Seguridad, Derechos Humanos e inclusión social en el Turismo. Análisis de la Seguridad y la accesibilidad para las personas con capacidades restringidas, 2013-2015, Grunewald


    Sociedades científicas

    International Society for Philosophers,, 2009


    Philosophical Society of England, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Reino Unido., 2009


    International Research Committee on Disasters, Bryant, Texas, Estados Unidos., 2010


    Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC). Ottawa, Canada., 2010

    (Global Affiliates) Tourism Crisis Management Institute. University of Florida, Estados Unidos., 2011


    Centre for Ethnicity and Racism Studies. School of Sociology & Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK, 2015


    Red de Pensamento Critico em Turismo e Lazer. Universidad de Brasilia, Brasil., 2015


    Red de Investigación Turística (RIT). (Res. 1009/2012). Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México., 2015


    Critical Tourism Studies Asia-Pacific (CTSAP), Hanoi Vietnam, 2016


    Hospitality Studies Network. Universidade de Fluminense Brazil., 2016



    Biografía incluida en Marquis Who´s who in the World. (28 th Edition) New Providence, New Jersey, Estados Unidos desde 2009


    Doctor Honoris Causa por la Skibbereen University, a British Overseas University, Turks and Caicos. Reg: 11HC/039. Award bestowed for his outstanding accomplishments to the study of tourism. (Accepted, 2011). Registration: N. E37012. Greeton House, Pond Street.


    Doctor Honoris Causa in Laws por la Royal Roads University, British Columbia, Canada. Nominación en proceso de evaluación.


    Emerald Literati Network. 2012. Awards for Excellence. Outstanding Reviewer. Given by International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. University of Salford, UK & Emerald Group Publishing. Registered in England. No. 3080506. VAT. 665-3593-06. Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK.


    Certificate of Appreciation awarded by the review performance for Jamba Journal of Disaster Risk Studies, Aeosis Open Journals & North-West University, South Africa, 2013.


    Emerald Literati Network. 2013. Awards for Excellence. Outstanding Reviewer. Given by Journal of Place Management and Development. Institute of Place, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK & Emerald Group Publishing. Registered in England. No. 3080506. VAT. 665-3593-06. Bingley, West Yorkshire, UK.


    Reviewer Certificate of Acknowledment. (Top ten reviewers). Awarded by International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (IJCHM), University of Central Florida, Estados Unidos, 2014.


    Visiting Research Fellow, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty Education, Social Sciences and Law, University of Leeds, UK, 2015.


    Miembro Fundador del Consejo Asesor de Investigación y Desarrollo. UDET. Univesidad de Estudios Turísticos, Quito Ecuador. (Sec. Ex CU-RE-07-2015-X-28), 2015.


    Profesor Visitante en la Facultad de Turismo, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, 2016


    Editorial Advisory Group Member (Business Management and Accounting). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle Upon Tyne UK, 2017


    Book Series Editor. Advances in Hospitality, Tourism and Services Industry (AHTSI). Hershey, Pennsylvania, US, 2017


    Book Series Editor. Tourism and Mobilities in the Times of Uncertainness. (Jointly with H. Seraphin, University of Winchester UK). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, UK (2017-


    Book Series Editor. Tourism Security-Safety and Post Conflict Destinations (Jointly with H. Seraphin, University of Winchester UK). Bingley, UK Emerald Group Publishing, (2019-


    Director Cièntifico de Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo. Buenos Aires, CIET. (2017-


    Editor in Chief Emeritus del International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. Hershey, Pennsylvania, IGI Global (Awarded in 2017).


    Recibe el premio 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. Marquis Who´s Who. New York, Estados Unidos, 2018.


    Autor más prolifico en Turismo y Hospitalidad en Iberoamerica 2008-2017 según Cardona R. & Sanchez-Fernandez M. D. (2019)“Principales focos de investigación en turismo y hospitalidad de los países iberoamericanos”. Revista Espacios, volumen 40 (4): 1-12.


    Investigador con mayor producción científica de Argentina periodo 2008-2017 según reporte “La internacionalización de la Investigación Turística en Iberoamérica”. R J Cardóna & Sánchez-Fernandez M D (2019) En España y Rusia: políticas económicas y sociales. (pp 40-51). Instituto de Latinoamérica. Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, Moscú

    Producción Académica

    Artículos en revistas arb.

    Korstanje M. E. “La Búsqueda. (La inmigración holandesa en Argentina 1880-1930)”, Revista de Antropología Experimental. Volumen 18, 2006.


    Korstanje M. E. “El Viaje: una crítica al concepto de “no lugares” en Marc Augè”, Athenea Digital. Volumen 09, 2006.Korstanje M. E. “Re visiting the risk perception theory in the Context of Travels”, ERTR: e-Review of Tourism Research. Volumen 7. Issue 4., Volumen 7, issue 4, 2009.


    Korstanje M. E. “El Mal y La Posesión Diabólica: un análisis crítico sobre los conceptos de contaminación y tabú ”, Revista de Antropología Experimental. Volumen 9. Issue 9., 2009.


    Korstanje M. E. “La Isla y El Viaje Turístico: una interpretación del Filme de Michael Bay, desde el psicoánalisis y el pensamiento filosófico moderno y contemporáneo”, Revista Turismo y Sociedad (Anuario).. Volumen 9, 2009.


    Korstanje M and Busby G, “Understanding the Bible as the Roots of Physical Displacement: The Origin of Tourism”, ERTR: e-Review of Tourism Research. Volumen 8, issue 3, 2010.


    Korstanje M. E. and Tarlow P. “Being Lost: risk and vulnerability in the post 9/11 Entertainment industry””, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change. Volumen 10, Issue 1, pp. 22-33, 2012.


    Korstanje M and George B, “Falkland Malvinas: a re-examination of the Relationship between Sacralization and Tourism Development”, Current Issues in Tourism. Volumen 14, issue 5, 2011.


    Korstanje M and Olsen D, “The Discourse of Risk in Horror Movies post 9/11: hospitality and hostility in Perspective”, International Journal of Tourism Anthropology. Volumen 1, issue 3-4, 2011.


    Korstanje M and Clayton, A “Tourism and Terrorism, Conflicts and Commonalities”. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes”, Volumen 4, issue 1, 2012.


    Korstanje M. E. “Reconsidering Cultural Tourism: an Anthropologist’s Perspective”, Journal of Heritage Tourism. Volumen 7. Issue 2, 2012.


    Korstanje M. E. “Chile helps Chile; Exploring the effects of Earthquake Chile 2010”, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. Volumen 5. Issue 4, 2014


    Korstanje M. E. “Why risk Research is more prominent in English speaking countries in the digital societies.”, International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. Volumen 4. Issue 1, pp. 09-20, 2014


    Korstanje M. E. “The Spirit of Terrorism: tourism, unionization and terrorism”, Pasos: revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural. Volumen 13. Issue 1, pp. 239–250, 2015


    Korstanje, M and George B. “What does Insurance purchase behaviour say about risks?. A study in the Argentine context with special focus on Travel Insurance”, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Enviroment.. Volumen 6. Issue 3, 2015


    Tzanelli R and Korstanje M. “Tourism in the European Economic Crisis: mediatized worldmaking and new tourist imaginaries in Greece”, Tourist Studies. Volumen 16. Issue 3, 2016


    Korstanje M. E. “La búsqueda del Paraíso Perdido: narrativas del turismo”, Pasos: revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural. Volumen 15. Issue 1, Universidad de la Laguna, España, 2017.


    Korstanje M E Chile helps Chile. Exploring the effects of Earthquake Chile 2010. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Enviroment. Volume 5, Issue 4 November 2014. (pp. 380-390) Centre for Disaster Resilience, University of Salford


    Korstanje M A Portrait of Jost Krippendorf. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Volume 26, Issue 1. January 2015 (pp. 158-164).


    Korstanje M The Spirit of Terrorism: tourism, unionization and terrorism. Pasos: revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural. Volume 13. Issue 1. January 2015 (pp. 239-250).


    Korstanje M Etnografía del Aeropuerto: movilidad, turismo y estado de naturaleza. Aposta Digital: revista de Ciencias Sociales. Número Especial 65. Abril 2015 (pp. 79-110) “Turismo & Sociedad Global”


    Korstanje M Cuando Viajar no es un placer: el divorcio en Vacaciones. Revista de Antropología Experimental. Número Especial “Antropología del Turismo para el Siglo XXI”. Julio 2015. Texto 6. (pp. 73-83)


    Korstanje M Terrorists Tend to Target Innocent Tourists, a radical Critique. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism. Volume 5, Issue 3. Octobre 2015.


    Korstanje M Why Citation impact is so important for tourism researchers?. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research. (AHTR). Volume 4, Issue 1. June 2016. (pp. 26-31)


    Korstanje M A Portrait of Dean Maccannell. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Volume 27, issue 2 (pp. 298-304). June 2016


    Korstanje M Movilidad, Violencia y la Esencia de la Hospitalidad: radriografia del estado nacional. El Periplo Sustentable. Nùmero 32. Febrero 2017


    Korstanje M Tourism Research: for what?. Revista Turismo y Sociedad (Anuario). Mumero 20. Septiembre 2017 Facultad de Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Colombia. ISSN 0120-7555.


    El 11 de Septiembre y el surgimiento del capitalismo mortuorio. ¿hacia una teoría de las emociones?. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre Cuerpos, Emociones y Sociedad. Número 25, Año 9. Diciembre de 2017. CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. ISSN 1852-8759


    Korstanje M Review: Mega-Events as Economies of the Imagination: creating athmospheres for Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020. Hospitality & Society. Volumen 8, Number 1. March 2018. (pp 105-106)


    Tarlow, P. Korstanje, M. E, Amorin, E. & Goncalvez Gandara, J. M. “Cruise Risks, Threats, and Dangers: a Theory”. American Journal of Tourism Research. Volume 1, Issue 1. July 2012. (pp. 16-25).


    Korstanje, M. & Ivanov, S. “Tourism as a form of Psychological Reisilience: the inception of dark tourism”. CULTUR. Revista de Cultura e Turismo. Año 6, Número 4. Noviembre 2012. (pp. 55-70).


    Korstanje, M & Tarlow, P. “Disasters, tourism and mobility: the case of Japan´s earthquake”. Pasos: revista de turismo y patrimonio cultural. Sepcial Issue. Volume 11 Issue 3 July 2013 (pp. 17-32).


    Korstanje M, Tzanelli R & Clayton, A. “Brazil 2014, Terrorism, Tourism and Social Conflict”. Event Management Journal. Volume 18, Issue 4. Decembre 2014 (pp. 487-491).


    Korstanje M & George, B. “What does Insurance purchase behaviour say about risks?. A study in the Argentine context with special focus on Travel Insurance”. Volume 6, Issue 3. November 2015. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Enviroment


    Korstanje, M, Babu G, Ericka A. “Chile Decime que se siente: sports, conflicts and Chronicles of Miscarried Hospitality”. Event Management Journal. Volume 20, Issue 3. Octubre 2016


    Korstanje M. E & Timmermann F. Miedo, Trascendencia y Política: El Proceso de Reorganización Nacional Argentina, 1976. Revista Historia 396. Volumen 6, Número 1. Diciembre 2016


    Korstanje M E & George B. The construction of a Security Coeficient for Tourist Destinations Based on Travel Insurance Purchase Behaviour. Tourism Analysis: an interdisciplinary Journal. Volume 22, Issue 4. December 2017


    Korstanje M. E & Tzanelli, R. “Filosofía del Pasaporte, y reciprocidad en tiempos de movilidad. Una construcción alternativa a la tesis de los no-lugares”. Estudios y Perspectivas En Turismo. Volume 26, Nùmero 2. Abril 2017. (pp 478-492


    Korstanje M. & Emorin E. “Terror en el Paraiso: crónicas de una nueva forma de amenaza para el turismo y la hospitalidad”. Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo, Volumen 27, Número 4 (pp. 944-956).


    Seraphin H. Roselle P, Y. J. Duplan & Korstanje M. “Tourism Planning and innovation: the Caribbean under the spotlight”. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. Volume 9, issue 1. (pp 384-388



    Korstanje, Maximiliano (2015). A Difficult World: Examining the Roots of Capitalism. Nova Science Publishers.


    Nedelea, Alexandru; Korstanje, Maximiliano; George, Babu, eds. (2016). Strategic Tools and Methods for Promoting Hospitality and Tourism Services. IGI Global.


    korstanje, Maximiliano E. (2016). Tourism and Terrorism (Hardback). New Delhi: Studium Press.


    Korstanje, Maximiliano E. (2016). The Rise of Thana-Capitalism and Tourism (Hardback). Routledge.


    Korstanje, M. (2016). Terrorism in a Global Village: How Terrorism Affects Our Daily Lives. New York: Nova Science Publishers.


    SBN 9781522519386. Retrieved 2016-11-26.Korstanje, M.; Handayani, B. Gazing (2017). Gazing at Death: Dark Tourism as an Emergent Horizon of Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers.


    Korstanje, M. (2017). Terrorism, Tourism and the End of Hospitality in the West. Palgrave-Macmillan.


    Korstanje M “Risk, Terrorism and Tourism Consumption: the end of tourism”. Holistic Optimization Techniques in the Hospitality, Tourism and Travel Industry. Chapter 12. (pp. 263-285) Pandian Vasant & Kalaivanthan M. 2017. Hershey, IGI Global. ISBN 978-152251054-3


    Korstanje M The industry of Cruises: neglecting hospitality”. In Cruise Tourism: a multidisplinary and systemic approach. Claudia Soares, Ericka Amorin, Fabia Trentin, Leira, Portugal Textiverso, pp 119-142, 2016. ISBN 978-969881238-4


    Korstanje M. Mythical Geographies: discussing the Methaphor of Lost Paradise”. Global Perspectives on Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. Chapter 4. H El-Gohary (Birmingham City University, UK), D John Edwards (Birmingham City University UK), & Riyad Eid (Tanta University Bussiness School Egypt). Hershey, PE, IGI Global, 2017. ISBN 9781522527961


    Korstanje M, Griffin, K & Raj R. “Risk and Safety Challenges facing Religious tourism: an introduction”. In Risk and Safety Challenges for Religious Tourism and Events. CABI. Wallingford, UK, CABI. 2018. ISBN 978-17863992282


    Korstanje M Hospitality Today: the rise of Jihadist Terrorism”. Chapter 4. Focus on Terrorism. Volume 15 Joshua Morgan (ed). New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2017. ISBN 978-53612455-3


    Korstanje M (ed) Critical Essays in Tourism Research. New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2018. ISBN – 978-153613383-7


    Korstanje Tracing Spikes in Fear and Narcisism in Western Democracies since 9/11. New York & Oxford, Peter Lang, 2018. ISBN 978-1433149870


    Scribano A, Timmermann F, & Korstanje M. Neoliberalism in Multidisciplinary Perspective. New York, Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-331977601-9


    Korstanje M The Challenges of Democracy in the War on Terror: the liberal state before the advance of terrorism. Abingdon, Routledge. ISBN 978-113860932-7.


    Seraphin H & Korstanje M. International Event Management: bridging the gap between theory and Practice. New York, Nova Science Publishers, US 2018. ISBN 978-153613664-7.


    M. Osorio Garcia, Amorin E. & Korstanje M. E “The power of knowledge in the struggle for sustainable tourism: The case study of el Nevado de Toluca”, in Green Events and Green Tourism: an international guide to good practice. E. Nolan & H. Seraphin. Abingdon, Routledge, 2018. ISBN 978-1138334755


    Emorin E. & Korstanje M. “Security Issues and the Image of Tourist Destination”. Susatainble Destination Branding and Marketing: strategies for tourism development. Anukrati Sharma, I. Pulido Fernandez, A. Hassan. Wallingford, CABI, 2018.


    Korstanje M The War On Terror and the Contemporary Society. Understanding The War on Terror: Perspective, Challenges and Issues. New York, Nova Science Publishers, 2019.


    Korstanje M “Society 4.0: internet, tourism and the war on Terror”. In Digital Labour, Society and the Politics of sensibilities. Chapter 6. Scribano Adrian & Lisdero Pedro. New York, Palgrave-Macmillan. ISBN 978-303012306-2, 2019.


    Korstanje M Terrorism, Technology and Apocalyptic Future. New York, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-303013385-6, 2019.


    Capítulos en libros

    Korstanje, M. Herrera S & Mustelier C. L “Methodological Problems in Tourism Research: a radical critique”. Global Dynamic in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality. Edited by Bregoli Ilenia (University of Lincoln, UK), & Papas Nikolaos (University of West London, UK). IGI-Global, Pennsylvania, US, 2016


    Schroeder, A Lori Pennington-Gray, M Korstanje & G. Skoll. “Managing and Marketing Tourism Experiences: extending the travel risk perception literature to adress Affective risk perception”. Managing and Marketing Tourism Experiences: issues, challenges & approaches. Chapter 19. (pp. 379–396). Editors Marios Satioriadis & Dogan Gursoy. Emerald, UK, 2016


    Korstanje M. E. Preface Comprendiendo el devenir del paisaje Urbano. Una Ciudad Marítima: Donostia- San Sebastían: aproximiación urbanística, antropológico-signitiva y estético-iconográfica a la configuración contemporánea de sus espacios fluviales y frente de agua. Isusko Vivas Ciarrusta y Amaia Lekerikabeaskoa Gaztaña. Cuadernos de Bellas Artes, Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, 2016.


    Skoll G & Korstanje M. “From Disaster to Religiosity: Republica de Cromañón: Buenos Aires, Argentina”. (2015). Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: an international perspective. 2nd Edition. Edited Razaj Raj & Kevin Griffin. (pp. 268–278). Wallingord, UK, CABI, 2016


    Korstanje M. E. Risk, Terrorism and Tourism Consumption: the end of tourism”. Holistic Optimization Techniques in the Hospitality, Tourism and Travel Industry. Chapter 12. (pp. 263–285) Pandian Vasant & Kalaivanthan M. Hershey, IGI Global, 2016Korstanje M E & Mansfield, C. “Critical Notes on the use of Heritage in Tourism Studies”. Literature and Society: Critical Perspectives. Chapter 23. (pp. 373–395). Editor Dr. Prayer Elmo Raj. New Delhi, Authorspress, 2017.


    Korstanje M. E & Seraphin H. “Revisiting the Sociology of Consumption in tourism”. Chapter 2. The Routledge Handbook of Consumer Behaviours in Hospitality and Tourism. Abingdon, Routledge. 2017


    Korstanje M. Baker D. “Politics of Dark Tourism: the case of Cromañón and ESMA, Buenos Aires, Argentina”. Peter Stone (eds). Chapter 22. Palgrave Handbook of Dark Tourism Studies. Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017


    Korstanje M. E. Introduction to Tourism Security: tourism in the Age of Terror”. Holistic Optimization Techniques in the Hospitality, Tourism and Travel Industry. Chapter 9. (pp. 208–226). Pandian Vasant & Kalaivanthan M. Hershey, IGI Global, 2016


    Korstanje M. E. “The industry of Cruises: neglecting hospitality”. In Cruise Tourism: a multidisplinary and systemic approach. Claudia Soares, Ericka Amorin, Fabia Trentin, Leira, Portugal Textiverso, pp 119–142, 2017

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